Tosoh Logistics Corporation

Terms of Use

Tosoh Logistics Corporation (“Tosoh Logistics” or “we”) provides information on this website (“posted information”) under the terms of use specified below. Persons who use this site (“you”) shall be deemed to have agreed to the following terms of use when using this site.

  1. Tosoh Logistics owns the copyright of posted information, except where it is explicitly stated that the copyright belongs to a third party. Unless permitted by Tosoh Logistics, you may not reproduce or copy posted information or act in any other way that infringes on the copyright of posted information. Tosoh Logistics shall assume no responsibility for any violation of the rights of third parties due to your use of posted information.
  2. Tosoh Logistics makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the posted information on this website, but it does not guarantee that the information on this website is free of errors or omissions, that the posted information is accurate, or that the posted information is complete. In addition, we may correct or delete, etc. the posted information at any time without prior notice.
  3. Tosoh Logistics makes no warranty, either express or implied, that the posted information has merchantability (quality, performance, etc., which it is normally expected to have), is suitable for a particular application, or does not infringe the rights of third parties.
  4. Even if you suffer damage in connection with this website, Tosoh Logistics will not be liable for any reason whatsoever.
  5. Tosoh Logistics will not handle information provided by you as confidential information. Please do not provide confidential information. We will appropriately handle personal information that can be used to identify you, such as your name and address, in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.

Tosoh Logistics may modify, delete, or add to the above terms as necessary.